star party

What a great evening at The Forktree Project last weekend as we hosted the Carrickalinga Dark Sky Party, organised by the Carrickalinga Ratepayers Association to celebrate their bid for Carrickalinga to become Australia’s first officially recognised Dark Sky Community.

Thank you to Karl Winda Telfer for his inspiring words and cultural wisdom, and to astronomer Paul Curnow for a fascinating presentation on astronomy with Karl. Thank you also to Backyard Universe and Animals Anonymous. And, of course, a huge thank you to Dr Sheryn Pitman and Amy Gebhardt for leading Carrickalinga on its dark sky journey and for organising the event.

The evening was an inspiration to us all - and a powerful reminder of how important it is to respect nature’s rhythms - for our own welfare and that of the other species we share this planet with.

Elizabeth Jarvis